

Interview with Bahman Kalantari Dr. Bahman Kalantari discusses software he has developed through his research into polynomial root-finding.


The Rise of Polynomials: A polynomiograph of z3 - 1 coming to life through 3D animation (and music).

Valentine's Day Special A heart themed animated polynomiograph.


Store: Exclusive, original Polynomiography merchandise is now for sale! Visit the Polynomiography Store to get yours today!

More News: Visit Bahman Kalantari's personal home page to learn additional news and other information related to polynomiography.

New Book Announcement: "Polynomial Root-Finding and Polynomiography" by Bahman Kalantari.

Article: Polynomiography is featured in the April 2007 edition of Muy Intersante. Spain's popular science magazine.

Cover: A polynomiograph featured on the February 2007 cover of the Finnish science magazine Tiede.

Cover: Kalantari's Polynomiography on the cover of Princeton University Press Mathematics Catalog [pdf]

Cover: Kalantari's Polynomiography on the cover of Princeton University Press book Fearless Symmetry: Exposing the Hidden Patterns of Numbers.

Exhibit: Kalantari's Polynomiography artwork part of traveling art-math exhibit in France and Greece.

NJ Savvy Living Magazine

This article is reproduced from the Spring 2003 edition of NJ Savvy Living magazine. The text of the article can be read here.

Reproduction of article in NJ Savvy Magazine about Polynomiography

Beauty By The Numbers

What if you could use a computer to turn equations into dazzling, colorful designs? That's the kind of question only a computer scientist -- a particularly creative computer scientist -- would ask.

Enter Bahman Kalantari, an associate professor of computer science at Rutgers University in New Brunswick. His answer: "polynomiography"--a computer art form created by turning polynomials, a fundamental algebraic function, into patterns. (Polynomials are defined as "linear combinations of integral powers of a variable," such as x-1.) "We can 'shoot pictures' of polynomials and thencolor them using our own personal artistry," says Kalantari. "Just as with photography and painting, with practice one gets to be better and better at it."

Shown above is Kalantari's "Mathematics of a Heart." The possibilities are limitless, he says. "You can design images that would look wonderful as abstract painting, greeting cards, upholstery or any kind of decorative fabric."

Patents are now pending for software that will make polynomiography available to the public. In the meantime, check it out at www.polynomiography.com.