Contact Information

For further information please contact:
P.O. Box 1377
Princeton, NJ 08542
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Interview with Bahman Kalantari
Dr. Bahman Kalantari discusses software he has developed through his research into polynomial root-finding.
The Rise of Polynomials:
A polynomiograph of z3 - 1
coming to life through 3D animation (and music).
Valentine's Day Special
A heart themed animated polynomiograph.
Store: Exclusive, original Polynomiography merchandise is now for sale! Visit the Polynomiography Store to get yours today!
More News: Visit Bahman Kalantari's personal home page to learn additional news and other information related to polynomiography.
New Book Announcement: "Polynomial Root-Finding and Polynomiography" by Bahman Kalantari.
Article: Polynomiography is featured in the April 2007 edition of Muy Intersante. Spain's popular science magazine.
Cover: A polynomiograph featured on the February 2007 cover of the Finnish science magazine Tiede.
Cover: Kalantari's Polynomiography on the cover of Princeton University Press Mathematics Catalog [pdf]
Cover: Kalantari's Polynomiography on the cover of Princeton University Press book Fearless Symmetry: Exposing the Hidden Patterns of Numbers.
Exhibit: Kalantari's Polynomiography artwork part of traveling art-math exhibit in France and Greece.
For further information please contact:
P.O. Box 1377
Princeton, NJ 08542
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